Healthy Tips for your Children
Healthy Tips for your Children
Childhood obesity has now become a worldwide problem. More and more children these days are suffering the same symptoms and diseases that were once only seen in adults; heart disease, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, to name just a few. The good news and the bad news is that our children mimic everything we do.
Your habits will sometimes become their habits (scary huh?). I’ll never forget when my old neighbors said to me, “Isabel, our 10 year old woke up this morning and ate leftover chicken and veggies for breakfast, instead of the bagels we bought. I wonder where she got that idea?” I loved it!
When parents bring in their children into my office wondering why their child’s weight has now become a health hazard, I always have to ask, “How is the whole family taking care of themselves or better yet, how are you taking care of yourself?”
I know this is a tough question to answer but these little people are looking to us for their answers and many times our actions speak louder than words. We are their role models.
So as a mommy, daddy, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa or just neighborhood friend, what can you do today to be a healthy influence to a child?
1. Develop one new health habit each week that involves your child. Want to go for a walk with Mommy to make our legs and our heart strong? Want to pack carrots in your lunch bag and see how many veggies we can both eat? Want to pick a healthy recipe and cook together? The options are endless. Make sure your child feels like he or she is an important part of your healthy life.
2. Let’s try and stay away from words like “weight loss” or “weight gain” and definitely avoid the word “fat”. Make it about “HEALTH”. We are going to take a family walk so we can all be healthy together. These foods make my heart and my muscles strong. Want to see Mommy or Daddy do pushups? Cool, right? Let your child know that being healthy is fun.
3. Be the healthy change you wish to see in your child. Show your child that genetics, time, and nothing else can get in the way of you getting healthy. Work on your biggest health obstacle and chances are you will see the same change in your child. Commit today to good health not only for yourself but for those wonderful little people in your life that look up to you and emulate you.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Washboard abs - how to get washboard abs
Washboard abs - how to get washboard abs
By Vince DelMonte
If you're getting ready to bare your mid-section for the summer months or potentially escaping the cold for a warm vacation, getting washboard abs is probably something you would love to take with you. Potentially the top request personal trainer's hear everywhere is with regards to tightening these muscles.
Face it, washboard abs not only look great, but, they also signify the holy grail of fitness.
One big misconception that some people have regarding getting a washboard stomach is that you should be working all these muscles separately. Because these individuals often envision the so-called '6-pack', they think that you can divide this muscle up, working on it section by section.
Without a clean diet, six pack abs will never be yours. One thing you must realize is that while exercise is important, it's only going to take you so far. No matter how many crunches or sit-up variations you perform, if you've got a solid layer of fat covering your stomach, your muscles are not going to be seen.
Unfortunately, this simply isn't true.
While the abs definitely do consist of a few different muscles, all of these muscles are going to contract simultaneously, helping perform whatever movement is being asked of it. You can definitely target certain areas slightly more than others, but overall, you cannot solely isolate any one of the muscles in particular.
So, having said that, try not to do too many isolated ab exercises during your workout. While these can be nice in a sense that you'll likely really 'feel the burn', they aren't going to work as many muscle fibers as possible - which is your primary goal with any weight lifting session you perform.
The better thing to instead, is to do exercises that decrease your balance because that is what best calls your muscles into action.
Think doing ab crunches on the floor is good? Move those crunches onto an stability exercise ball.
This applies for other calisthenic exercises as well. Performing a set of push-ups? Why not move those onto an exercise ball as well? It's the perfect opportunity to really challenge those muscles and help develop washboard abs. Simply place an exercise ball under your arms or under your feet and push-up from there. If you're really ambitious, try both at the same time (note, use a spotter when doing this as there is a good chance you'll roll off until you gain the skill necessary to balance).
The only time when you don't want to decrease your stability too much, however, is when you're lifting very heavy weights in major compound lifts (such as squats for instance). This could prove to be very dangerous because one small movement in the wrong direction due to being off balance could cause your form to go and that could lead to a severe injury.
So, keep your destabilization work to exercises that are performed with your body weight or very light weights.
By following these principles though, you can be sure that washboard abs are on their way for you.
About the Author:
Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at
He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals get six pack abs without gimmicks, supplements or dieting.
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By Vince DelMonte
If you're getting ready to bare your mid-section for the summer months or potentially escaping the cold for a warm vacation, getting washboard abs is probably something you would love to take with you. Potentially the top request personal trainer's hear everywhere is with regards to tightening these muscles.
Face it, washboard abs not only look great, but, they also signify the holy grail of fitness.
One big misconception that some people have regarding getting a washboard stomach is that you should be working all these muscles separately. Because these individuals often envision the so-called '6-pack', they think that you can divide this muscle up, working on it section by section.
Without a clean diet, six pack abs will never be yours. One thing you must realize is that while exercise is important, it's only going to take you so far. No matter how many crunches or sit-up variations you perform, if you've got a solid layer of fat covering your stomach, your muscles are not going to be seen.
Unfortunately, this simply isn't true.
While the abs definitely do consist of a few different muscles, all of these muscles are going to contract simultaneously, helping perform whatever movement is being asked of it. You can definitely target certain areas slightly more than others, but overall, you cannot solely isolate any one of the muscles in particular.
So, having said that, try not to do too many isolated ab exercises during your workout. While these can be nice in a sense that you'll likely really 'feel the burn', they aren't going to work as many muscle fibers as possible - which is your primary goal with any weight lifting session you perform.
The better thing to instead, is to do exercises that decrease your balance because that is what best calls your muscles into action.
Think doing ab crunches on the floor is good? Move those crunches onto an stability exercise ball.
This applies for other calisthenic exercises as well. Performing a set of push-ups? Why not move those onto an exercise ball as well? It's the perfect opportunity to really challenge those muscles and help develop washboard abs. Simply place an exercise ball under your arms or under your feet and push-up from there. If you're really ambitious, try both at the same time (note, use a spotter when doing this as there is a good chance you'll roll off until you gain the skill necessary to balance).
The only time when you don't want to decrease your stability too much, however, is when you're lifting very heavy weights in major compound lifts (such as squats for instance). This could prove to be very dangerous because one small movement in the wrong direction due to being off balance could cause your form to go and that could lead to a severe injury.
So, keep your destabilization work to exercises that are performed with your body weight or very light weights.
By following these principles though, you can be sure that washboard abs are on their way for you.
About the Author:
Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at
He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals get six pack abs without gimmicks, supplements or dieting.
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Saturday, July 18, 2009
Part 2 - 8 Ways to Train the Forearms
Part 2 - 8 Ways to Train the Forearms For Maximum Grip Strength and Size - Wrist Curls Not Included!
By Nick Nilsson
Lagging forearm size or grip strength holding you back? Check
out these unique exercises and techniques for developing
bone-crushing grip strength and bowling pin forearms!
Part1 - Ways 1 to 4 >>here<< !
5. Thick Bar Exercises
Gripping around a larger diameter is a not-so-secret "secret" that strength competitors often use to develop grip strength. Gripping around a thicker bar puts a very different stress on the grip and forearms, resulting in fast improvements in those areas.
You can use bars that are built thick for this (you may have seen "Fat Bars"), or you can use other things to make your own thick bars. Tape is often used to accomplish this (wrapping tape around a bar or dumbell handle repeatedly until it's thicker in size).
A technique I like to use is to get some foam pipe insulation from the hardware store, cut off a couple of 5 inch sections then set THOSE on the bar. Grip on those when you're doing you're training and you'll notice a big different in forearm activation (it's dirt-cheap and TEMPORARY, which is nice if you train in a commercial gym which would frown on you wrapping duct tape around their bars). Check it out in more detail here:
6. Do Reverse Curls
Not reverse wrist curls…actual Reverse Barbell Curls. This will hit the forearms very strongly AND, as you fatigue, your grip will get a great workout because it's the only thing keeping the bar from dropping out of your hands (not the case with regular barbell curls).
Secret Training Tip #733 - Reverse Grip Curls - How This Underused, Underrated Exercise Can Unleash Your Arm Size
7. Don't Use Wrist Straps
This is a simple thing but very important. If you constantly use wrist wraps or other grip assistance, you'll never fully develop your own grip strength, which will limit you in the long run. It's fine to use grip assistance once in awhile and for maximum lifts, but the more you rely on them, the less grip strength and forearm development you'll get.
8. Hanging
Sounds easy enough, right? Grab a chin-up bar and just hang from it until you can't hold on anymore. And I mean until you're hanging by your fingertips and then you slip off the bar because your hands lock up with lactic acid.
You'll get a great stretch in your upper body and you'll improve your grip strength at the same time.
If you're looking for forearm size and maximum grip strength but wrist curls aren't doing the job, change things up with these techniques. They're easy to implement and VERY effective - no excuses for not getting results!
Part1 - Ways 1 to 4 >>here<< !
Nick Nilsson
is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc.
He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing
new training techniques for more than 17 years. Nick is the author of a number
of bodybuilding eBooks including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days to Maximum Mass",
"Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of,"
"Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and
"The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at . He can be contacted at
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By Nick Nilsson
Lagging forearm size or grip strength holding you back? Check
out these unique exercises and techniques for developing
bone-crushing grip strength and bowling pin forearms!
Part1 - Ways 1 to 4 >>here<< !
5. Thick Bar Exercises
Gripping around a larger diameter is a not-so-secret "secret" that strength competitors often use to develop grip strength. Gripping around a thicker bar puts a very different stress on the grip and forearms, resulting in fast improvements in those areas.
You can use bars that are built thick for this (you may have seen "Fat Bars"), or you can use other things to make your own thick bars. Tape is often used to accomplish this (wrapping tape around a bar or dumbell handle repeatedly until it's thicker in size).
A technique I like to use is to get some foam pipe insulation from the hardware store, cut off a couple of 5 inch sections then set THOSE on the bar. Grip on those when you're doing you're training and you'll notice a big different in forearm activation (it's dirt-cheap and TEMPORARY, which is nice if you train in a commercial gym which would frown on you wrapping duct tape around their bars). Check it out in more detail here:
6. Do Reverse Curls
Not reverse wrist curls…actual Reverse Barbell Curls. This will hit the forearms very strongly AND, as you fatigue, your grip will get a great workout because it's the only thing keeping the bar from dropping out of your hands (not the case with regular barbell curls).
Secret Training Tip #733 - Reverse Grip Curls - How This Underused, Underrated Exercise Can Unleash Your Arm Size
7. Don't Use Wrist Straps
This is a simple thing but very important. If you constantly use wrist wraps or other grip assistance, you'll never fully develop your own grip strength, which will limit you in the long run. It's fine to use grip assistance once in awhile and for maximum lifts, but the more you rely on them, the less grip strength and forearm development you'll get.
8. Hanging
Sounds easy enough, right? Grab a chin-up bar and just hang from it until you can't hold on anymore. And I mean until you're hanging by your fingertips and then you slip off the bar because your hands lock up with lactic acid.
You'll get a great stretch in your upper body and you'll improve your grip strength at the same time.
If you're looking for forearm size and maximum grip strength but wrist curls aren't doing the job, change things up with these techniques. They're easy to implement and VERY effective - no excuses for not getting results!
Part1 - Ways 1 to 4 >>here<< !
Nick Nilsson
is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc.
He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing
new training techniques for more than 17 years. Nick is the author of a number
of bodybuilding eBooks including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days to Maximum Mass",
"Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of,"
"Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and
"The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at . He can be contacted at
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
8 Ways to Train the Forearms ...- Part1
8 Ways to Train the Forearms For Maximum Grip Strength
and Size - Wrist Curls Not Included!
By Nick Nilsson
Lagging forearm size or grip strength holding you back?
Check out these unique exercises and techniques for developingbone-crushing
grip strength and bowling pin forearms!
I'll be honest…
direct forearm and grip training is something you don't see a whole lot of people doing in the gym. It's not glamorous, it's hard work, it takes time away from more "viewable" bodyparts, and the training it takes to really get results can be downright painful!
So that intro didn't send you packing? Good.
That means you're serious about building stronger forearms and
better grip strength! NOW we can get started.
Grip strength is extremely useful in so many ways…the stronger your grip, the heavier the weight you can lift and the longer you can hold it.
In the majority of heavy pulling exercises, grip strength is the
limiting factor.
Building thick, meaty forearms is a great physique enhancement - quite often,
the forearms are the only visible muscles that aren't covered up by clothing!
I've found that the most effective forearm and grip strength exercises
AREN'T the typical wrist curls you see many people doing in the gym.
Sure, you can get a good pump and a good burn when doing them but how
practical are they when it comes to "real world" gripping?
The following exercises, tips and techniques are all about "practical."
Here they are in no particular order:
1. A Bucket of Sand
Get a bucket and some playground sand from a home improvement store (
it's about 3 or 4 bucks for a bag of 50 lbs so it's really not expensive).
Fill the bucket up with sand. Now dive your hand into the bucket and start working your fingers through the sand.
A few minutes of this and your forearms and all the small muscles in your hand will be fried! Switch to the other hand and go again. The sand provides excellent all-over resistance for maximizing the effects on the hands, fingers and forearms.
2. Squeezing a Tennis Ball
If you can't afford a fancy gripper, just get an old tennis ball and squeeze it repeatedly while you're watching TV. Hockey legend Gordie Howe used to do this constantly and he had some of the strongest forearms (and one of the hardest slapshots!) in the NHL. Simple, convenient and effective. No excuses.
3. Barbell Static Holds
Set up a barbell in a power rack with the rails set just above your knee level.
Load up a bar (use moderate weight to start with). Now stand BESIDE the bar,
reach down and grip it in the center with ONE hand. Stand up with the bar and just hold it for as long as you can until your grip gives out.
Not only are you fighting directly against gravity, you're also fighting
to balance the bar in one hand. Very effective on the forearms and on the grip!
4. Farmers Walks
Grab a pair of heavy dumbells and go for a walk. Literally. Just pick them up and
walk until you can't hold onto the dumbells anymore! Gripping heavy objects
while walking creates a lot of instability, which will work the forearms very strongly.
And it doesn't have to just be limited to dumbells…
there are Farmer's Walk handles that you can buy that work for this. You can also use a couple of EZ Curl bars loaded up and get the benefits of the Farmer's Walk AND the barbell
static holds. Heck even walking with a couple of pails of that sand from the first tip is another way to go. Don't limit yourself to conventional items…even a couple of heavy bags of dog food will work!
Nick Nilsson
is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc.
He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing
new training techniques for more than 17 years. Nick is the author of a number
of bodybuilding eBooks including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days to Maximum Mass",
"Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of,"
"Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and
"The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at . He can be contacted at
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and Size - Wrist Curls Not Included!
By Nick Nilsson
Lagging forearm size or grip strength holding you back?
Check out these unique exercises and techniques for developingbone-crushing
grip strength and bowling pin forearms!
I'll be honest…
direct forearm and grip training is something you don't see a whole lot of people doing in the gym. It's not glamorous, it's hard work, it takes time away from more "viewable" bodyparts, and the training it takes to really get results can be downright painful!
So that intro didn't send you packing? Good.
That means you're serious about building stronger forearms and
better grip strength! NOW we can get started.
Grip strength is extremely useful in so many ways…the stronger your grip, the heavier the weight you can lift and the longer you can hold it.
In the majority of heavy pulling exercises, grip strength is the
limiting factor.
Building thick, meaty forearms is a great physique enhancement - quite often,
the forearms are the only visible muscles that aren't covered up by clothing!
I've found that the most effective forearm and grip strength exercises
AREN'T the typical wrist curls you see many people doing in the gym.
Sure, you can get a good pump and a good burn when doing them but how
practical are they when it comes to "real world" gripping?
The following exercises, tips and techniques are all about "practical."
Here they are in no particular order:
1. A Bucket of Sand
Get a bucket and some playground sand from a home improvement store (
it's about 3 or 4 bucks for a bag of 50 lbs so it's really not expensive).
Fill the bucket up with sand. Now dive your hand into the bucket and start working your fingers through the sand.
A few minutes of this and your forearms and all the small muscles in your hand will be fried! Switch to the other hand and go again. The sand provides excellent all-over resistance for maximizing the effects on the hands, fingers and forearms.
2. Squeezing a Tennis Ball
If you can't afford a fancy gripper, just get an old tennis ball and squeeze it repeatedly while you're watching TV. Hockey legend Gordie Howe used to do this constantly and he had some of the strongest forearms (and one of the hardest slapshots!) in the NHL. Simple, convenient and effective. No excuses.
3. Barbell Static Holds
Set up a barbell in a power rack with the rails set just above your knee level.
Load up a bar (use moderate weight to start with). Now stand BESIDE the bar,
reach down and grip it in the center with ONE hand. Stand up with the bar and just hold it for as long as you can until your grip gives out.
Not only are you fighting directly against gravity, you're also fighting
to balance the bar in one hand. Very effective on the forearms and on the grip!
4. Farmers Walks
Grab a pair of heavy dumbells and go for a walk. Literally. Just pick them up and
walk until you can't hold onto the dumbells anymore! Gripping heavy objects
while walking creates a lot of instability, which will work the forearms very strongly.
And it doesn't have to just be limited to dumbells…
there are Farmer's Walk handles that you can buy that work for this. You can also use a couple of EZ Curl bars loaded up and get the benefits of the Farmer's Walk AND the barbell
static holds. Heck even walking with a couple of pails of that sand from the first tip is another way to go. Don't limit yourself to conventional items…even a couple of heavy bags of dog food will work!
Nick Nilsson
is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc.
He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing
new training techniques for more than 17 years. Nick is the author of a number
of bodybuilding eBooks including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days to Maximum Mass",
"Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of,"
"Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and
"The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at . He can be contacted at
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Thursday, July 9, 2009
"My Diet Secret" - Craig Ballantyne
My Diet Secret By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
I'm not a "low-carb guy" by any means, but I have found something that works wonders for fat loss. And it does involve cutting back on whole-grains.
Back in December, I substituted more fruits and vegetables for any whole-grains in my diet, and I was as lean as I've been in years with this approach. So if you're trying to lose fat and look better than ever this summer, try this approach.
Here are some easy changes to make.
a) Instead of having toast for breakfast, have an apple.
b) Usually have a side of rice at lunch? Have 1 cup of broccoli.
c) Typically have a bowl of cereal at night? Have an orange and an ounce of pecans
(or walnuts or almonds), instead.
Think I'm out to lunch?
Check this study ...
(For science nerds like me, here's the reference: Amer. J. Clin.
Nutr. 85: 1465-1477, 2007.)
Woman on a low-fat diet that ate more fruits and vegetables lost
more fat than another group of woman on only the low-fat diet.
After 1-year, the low-fat, fruits and vegetables group (LF-FV) lost more weight than another group of woman on the low-fat (LF) diet only.
The LF-FV group reported being less hungry, thanks to being able to eat more food than the LF group.
So you'll eat fewer calories if you are filling up on fruits and
vegetables, while keeping un-necessary fat out of the diet.
And isn't the summer a great time to implement this program? With watermelon, berries, apples, and cherries all in great abundance, you can satisfy your sweet tooth naturally, while burning fat with the Turbulence Training fat loss workouts at home.
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit
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I'm not a "low-carb guy" by any means, but I have found something that works wonders for fat loss. And it does involve cutting back on whole-grains.
Back in December, I substituted more fruits and vegetables for any whole-grains in my diet, and I was as lean as I've been in years with this approach. So if you're trying to lose fat and look better than ever this summer, try this approach.
Here are some easy changes to make.
a) Instead of having toast for breakfast, have an apple.
b) Usually have a side of rice at lunch? Have 1 cup of broccoli.
c) Typically have a bowl of cereal at night? Have an orange and an ounce of pecans
(or walnuts or almonds), instead.
Think I'm out to lunch?
Check this study ...
(For science nerds like me, here's the reference: Amer. J. Clin.
Nutr. 85: 1465-1477, 2007.)
Woman on a low-fat diet that ate more fruits and vegetables lost
more fat than another group of woman on only the low-fat diet.
After 1-year, the low-fat, fruits and vegetables group (LF-FV) lost more weight than another group of woman on the low-fat (LF) diet only.
The LF-FV group reported being less hungry, thanks to being able to eat more food than the LF group.
So you'll eat fewer calories if you are filling up on fruits and
vegetables, while keeping un-necessary fat out of the diet.
And isn't the summer a great time to implement this program? With watermelon, berries, apples, and cherries all in great abundance, you can satisfy your sweet tooth naturally, while burning fat with the Turbulence Training fat loss workouts at home.
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit
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burn fat,
diet secret,
Fat Burning,
lose fat,
weight loss
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Available Now! - Free KieFit Journal July Editione - Get In Shape!
Hello Fitness- Fans,
The July 2009 issue of KieFit Journal is available now for free download.
The free online publication about fitness and health tips. Amongst others
The July 2009 issue of KieFit Journal is available now for free download.
The free online publication about fitness and health tips. Amongst others
it includes helpful articles for you about diet and training procedures.
Here is a little preview of the Kiefit Journal content:
Cooking For Healthy Life:
What is healthy diet and how does my diet affect my life?
Holiday Fat Loss Strategies:
Read it here in KieFit Journal, the strategies from Craig Ballantyne, certified strength and conditioning specialist, which can help you to avoid the holiday overweight
Can Basketball Help You To Lose Fat?
The answer and training tips you can find there.
Find further interesting articles about fat loss, style, fitness training and exercise videos in
What is healthy diet and how does my diet affect my life?
Holiday Fat Loss Strategies:
Read it here in KieFit Journal, the strategies from Craig Ballantyne, certified strength and conditioning specialist, which can help you to avoid the holiday overweight
Can Basketball Help You To Lose Fat?
The answer and training tips you can find there.
Find further interesting articles about fat loss, style, fitness training and exercise videos in
Kiefit Journal.
Have fun and enjoy!
Stay healthy,
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