Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Importance of Abdominal Exercises

getting firm abdominal muscles, crunches, leg lifts,Yoga for Firm Abs,benefit of yoga is the relaxation techniques,keep the ab exercises in your workout program,Ab workouts,aerobicsThe Importance of Abdominal Exercises

Nowadays, the popular thing when it comes to getting into shape is getting firm abdominal muscles. It seems that everyone wants to have a perfect six-pack, which requires a lot of hard work. It is important to have strong abs, as well as the rest of your muscles, and there are exercises that are designed specifically for your abs. So, why is it so important to have tight abs?

Slim Down and Tone Up with Ab Exercises

When you add abdominal exercises to your workouts, you will really be increasing the effectiveness of your workouts. After all, you need to exercise every muscle in your body in order to be lean and tones, and your abdominal muscles are no exception. There are all kinds of exercises you can add to your routine, including crunches, leg lifts and aerobics. Slimming down and shaping up, including toning your abs, is hard work, but it is worth it in the long run, when you have a body that you are proud to show off.

Use Yoga for Firm Abs

Because yoga involves getting into positions your body is not used to, and holding these positions, it helps to build and tone your muscles, including your abs. There are many yoga postures that are ideal for creating a six-pack, and, these exercises are easier on the body than other exercises, such as weight lifting and aerobics, both of which can result in injuries. An added benefit of yoga is the relaxation techniques you will learn, and the improvement of your quality of sleep.

Ab Workouts Won’t Burn Belly Fat

getting firm abdominal muscles, crunches, leg lifts,Yoga for Firm Abs,benefit of yoga is the relaxation techniques,keep the ab exercises in your workout program,Ab workouts,aerobicsAb workouts are specifically designed to tighten and tone the abdominal muscles. They are not designed to burn fat. Therefore, if you are also looking to lose weight in addition to toning your muscles, you will need to follow a healthy diet plan, and do other types of exercises as well. But, keep the ab exercises in your workout program, because as you burn fat, the results of the exercises will really begin to show, and you’ll be sporting a six-pack in no time.

When you add abdominal exercises to your regular workouts, you will be really enhancing the benefits of your workouts. You will be getting in great shape all over, and have an awesome set of six-pack abs everyone will be jealous of. Start working out now, and you will be well on your way for summer.
Article written by Donna Ferris of Ultimate Fitness Gear, your top source for the Shaun t Insanity program.

Find here further great information about abs exercises:

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How To Do Pull-Ups At Home When You Don't Have a Pull-Up Bar

How To Do Pull-Ups At Home 
When You Don't Have a Pull-Up Bar
By Nick Nilsson

Pull-Ups are one of THE single best back (and upper body!) exercises
you can do. But what do you do if you train at home and don't
have access to a pull-up bar? Simple. You do this...

So you're training at home and you don't have a place to put a chin-up bar. Or you don't have a power rack with a chin-up bar on it.

No problem!

I've got a couple of simple items that are going to totally change the way you look at hardware stores…

What are those items?

Clamps,training at home,don't have a place to put a chin-up bar,basic woodworking C-clamps,a couple of chin-up handles,easy and really works well,do neutral-grip wide-grip pull-ups

Your basic woodworking C-clamps, available at any hardware store in the world.

All you have to do is clamp those onto something solid in your house (or outside) and you've got yourself a couple of chin-up handles! I have two clamps (the size I use is 4 inch - it gives you the perfect size handle for gripping on) attached to a rafter in my basement.

It's a simple matter of clamping those on somewhere high up then doing pull-ups on them!

If you're worried about damaging the surface with the clamps, just slide a couple of smaller pieces of wood in between the clamping surfaces to spread out the load.

This setup is not only cheap and easy but very versatile. Because you can clamp on anywhere you like, you can change the grip width very easily. You can start with close grip chins then move a clamp out further and do neutral-grip wide-grip pull-ups.

You can set the clamps on two different rafters and do regular wide-grip pull-ups. Heck, you can shift the clamps around to almost any position and do a HUGE variety of mixed-grip pull-ups. The options are many.

At this point, I'm sure you're thinking "sounds great, but are they solid?"


I weigh about 200 lbs and once solidly clamped on, mine did not budge the slightest bit. And this was with me TRYING to pull them loose. I even did pull-ups on just ONE clamp and it didn't budge.

So if you train at home and have been looking for a pull-up solution, head over to the hardware store a.s.a.p. and go grab your C-clamps!

For pictures and video of the C-clamp pull-ups in action (multiple variations of pull-up exercises), click on the following link: HERE!


On a side note, you can also use those C-clamps to anchor training bands. I use the clamps when I'm doing bench presses adding band resistance (great training explosiveness out of the bottom). The rack I have doesn't have posts for attaching bands so I put the clamps onto the bottom base rails and tie the bands onto those. It's quick and easy and really works well!

Here's a link to the bands I use:


Nick Nilsson has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been innovating new training techniques for more than 18 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding books including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass", "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of", all designed to maximize the results you get for the hard work you put into your training.

Be sure to grab your FREE copy of Nick's 30-day "Dirty Little Secret Program for Building Muscle and Burning Fat FAST," available at HERE!

Find here further great information about exercises at home:
 7 Tips For Bodybuilding Exercises At Home 
No Equipment, No Excuses: Are you up to the challenge?
Creating a Home Fitness Exercise Program | Weight Loss|Beauty Tips

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Design Your Summer-Body!

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Design Your Summer-Body!
View more documents from Heidi Kiewitt.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Building A Strong And Sexy Body!

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Building A Strong And Sexy Body!
View more documents from Heidi Kiewitt.

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F*REE Edition of Kiefit Journal is available NOW! Feel Good With A Sexy Body!"

F*REE Edition of KieFit Journal is available NOW! Feel Good With A Sexy Body!"

Hello Fitness Fans,

It's June 2010 and here is the new edition of  KieFit Journal. Your free online publication about workout-, muscle building - and fat burnining -tips.

Click HERE for your KieFit Journal!!


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